Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dharma Bums 100-123

The Dharma Bums, Jack Kerouac
Pg. 201

" Ah the Public ain't so bad, they suffer too. You always read about some tarpaper shack burning somewhere in the Middlewest with three little children perishing and you see a picture of the parents crying. Evern the kitty was burned. Japhy, do you think God Made the world to amuse himself because he was bored? Because if so he would have to be mean."

Ray makes a strong statement in this particular quote. This specificic dialogue in the story between Ray and Japhy is probably the most profound. Ray actually sees both side of the coin and expresses to Japhy the struggle on both sides. What Ray does that Japhy ignores is the realization of the lifestyles on both sides. While Japhy is only rigid to his own Dharma Bum Philosophy, and would like for everyone to follow this Buddhist path, Ray is more sentimental and see the goods and bads between both lifestyles. However, throughout the story Ray has only mentioned these contradictions and beliefs in his mind, but in this case he actually expresses his thinking and his acceptance towards both sides of the lifestyles. Ray contradicts what Japhy believes quite rigidly, which is a huge turning point in the story.

The Dharma Bums, Jack Kerouac
Pg. 203

" East'll meet West anyway. Think what a great world revolution will take place when East meets West finally, and it'll be guys like us that can start the thing. Think of millions of guys all over the world with rucksacks on their backs tramping around the back country and hitchhiking and bringing the word down to everybody."
" That's a lot like the early days os the Crusades, Walter the {enniless and Peter the Hermit leading ragged bands of believers to the Holy Land."

In this specific conversation between Japhy and Ray, one can really observe Japhys rigid philosophy on the way lifestyles for all should be. Japhy seems to be so caught up in his Dharma Bum and religous lifestyle that he simply can't understand why others do not follow the same paths as himself. Japhy shows his dreamlike vision of a land of all hitchhikers and Buddhists. Yet, Japhy criticizes those with goals and dreamy notions, however, in this particular statement from Japhy he is actually expressing his dream of a content land of hitchhikers and buddha believers. Therefore, this is another contradiction from what he states and believes. However, Ray seems to be extremely open minded and seems to never sway from one opinion to the next, he just simply observes and acknowledges. Japhy as he expresses his hatred towards society seems to actually become very similar to society because he neglects and diminishes the lifestyles of others simply because they do not follow the same path as himself.

The Dharma Bums 171-199

The Dharma Bums, Jack Kerouac
Pg. 175

" That was a very wise cartoon, it reminded me of my own experience, trying to tame my mind in the woods, then realizing it was all empty and awake and I didn't have to do anything, and now I was getting drunk with the butcher Japhy."

Previous to this quote, Ray experiences the high intensity of hitchhiking cross country. Ray uses this journey as a method to become more devoted to his philosophy and tame his mind to become that of a quite central buddhistic thought process. Although Ray tries tremendously to force his mind to acquire the "middle way" characteristics, he finds that the solution to live the bhuddistic way is to not think at all. The way to tame the mind is to let it roam frequently without any assumptions, questions, or contradictions. It is simply to acknowledge the surroundings, maintain a balance with all that is given on earth, and become one with everything without mental contradictions.