Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Dharma Bums 171-199

The Dharma Bums, Jack Kerouac
Pg. 175

" That was a very wise cartoon, it reminded me of my own experience, trying to tame my mind in the woods, then realizing it was all empty and awake and I didn't have to do anything, and now I was getting drunk with the butcher Japhy."

Previous to this quote, Ray experiences the high intensity of hitchhiking cross country. Ray uses this journey as a method to become more devoted to his philosophy and tame his mind to become that of a quite central buddhistic thought process. Although Ray tries tremendously to force his mind to acquire the "middle way" characteristics, he finds that the solution to live the bhuddistic way is to not think at all. The way to tame the mind is to let it roam frequently without any assumptions, questions, or contradictions. It is simply to acknowledge the surroundings, maintain a balance with all that is given on earth, and become one with everything without mental contradictions.

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